Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 4th (Day#5)

*20 Days till my birthday*
Woke up, had a blue berry muffin and a cup of OJ.
Frank, Jennifer, Lauren H, Ryan and I took earier bus which we were dropped right in front of school. I put B, C, and AA level of book in the box. For lunch I went to Brothers and had 4 oieces of chicken and a energy drink called Munster. After the work Kate Zilla recommend me to try snow ball. It was very similar to snow cone. I had Extra large size of Root Beer Snow ball. Oh no! While getting it there was a bus!! Kate and I had to run marathon to catch the bus!! While everyone else walked Judith, Eunice and I decided to take street car back to our hotel. Karen, Judith, Phylis, Kate and I decided to go to Ryan's Pub. I had a bottle of Millar Genuine Draft and a glass of Guiness. After I got back to our lovely hotel I decided to have a roomie night with Jennifer. I bought a foot long roasted beef subway for dinner, bought a New Orleans t-shirts, a Loise Armstrong CD and a package of beeds. On the way back, I decided to be a nice daughter to my parents and decided to get a present for my loving parents. I was thinking and thinking and remembered when all of us wnet to Karen's house for Orientation meeting drinking Cafe' Du Monde's coffee which was really good so, I decided to buy a can of it and ordered 7 orders of beneyae and ate it all. On the way back to hotel, I stopped by Walgreens and got Powerade and a can of starbuck's coffee. After the Walgreens Jennifer and I found a huge Daiquiris shop so, I bought 24oz of Pina Colada and Jennifer bought 24 oz of Virgin Margarita and we drank all. It was tasty ,but I felt a little tipsy. I learned it's ok to drink alcohol ,but know my limit.

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